Sunday, 22 January 2012

Living in a wintery (and clean) Wonderland

I cleaned our apartment and it snowed. So I took some photos!

We love our mountains.

Pretty room. Well as pretty as it's going to get anyway!

Being good and folding up our futon to air it


  1. It looks so pretty in the snow, I want some!

  2. Lovely! Your pink organiser on the wall is so cute! xx

  3. We even had snow in Tokyo last night! Only a few cm (not nearly as much as in your photos), but it looked beautiful! This morning it turned to ice, so it was quite tricky to walk on it, especially for a sunny South African! ;) PS: How long will the apartment remain so clean and tidy? ^^

  4. Stacey, you are welcome to the snow!

    Thanks Alexa, my Mum made it for me for my 18th birthday present, it is one of my favourite things!

    Rurosha, it is already a little messy :( I wish I was capable of keeping things clean! I hope you are coping OK with the snow, ours is mostly gone now but I'm sure it'll be back in a couple of days!

  5. Brrrrr! that looks cold! Very pretty if you could look at it from inside a centrally heated room! Are the mountain views from your apartment?
